Installation Instructions

Instructions for:
Extra Flotation (EF2020)
2 or more people are needed for installation
The amount of weight being placed
on to the dock will determine the
number of Extra Flotations that will
be needed. Position as follows:
2000 Series (HP) Extra Flotation
Bottom View of
2096 Float Section
Extra Flotation
The top of the EF2020 Extra Flotation can be
inserted into one of the four shorter chambers
on the bottom of the FS2096 Float Section
(FS2024 Float Section has one chamber).
For added stability, place Extra Flotation at the end and
at the corners of your dock. Each EF2020 Extra Flotation
adds 300 lbs (136.08 kg) of buoyancy to your dock.
Extra Flotation can be stacked into another Extra Flotation
when more buoyancy is needed.
Side View of 2096 Float Section with Extra Flotation