Using the TokenDisk Diskette Diagnostic Program 6-7
2 Press [Tab] to move from field to field and highlight any
field within the Test Setup dialog box.
Within the Group Select area, use the arrow keys to
highlight Group 1 or Group 2. Use the <Enable Group> or
<Disable Group> command buttons to enable or disable a
group of tests.
Press [F1] for a description of these tests.
3 When you are satisfied with the new test setup, highlight
the <OK> command button and press [Enter].
4 To run the tests, choose Run Tests from the Test menu and
select the <Start> button.
When Tests Fail
If the diagnostic tests fail, the adapter may not be defective.
The problem may be incorrect configuration settings,
configuration settings that conflict with the settings of other
boards, or improper installation.
If any test fails, you can get additional information by
highlighting the test that failed in the Run Tests dialog box
shown in Figure 6-4, and pressing [Enter]. You can also
highlight the <Zoom> command button and press [Enter].
The program notifies you of the error and suggests actions
you can take to solve the problem.