User's Guide

Cochlear Limited 201152 323649 Iss 3 CP900 Series Sound Processors | User guides
CP900 Series Sound Processors | User guides 53Cochlear Limited 2011
Change wax fi lters
Wax fi lters must ALWAYS be used with the acoustic component
and replaced regularly.
Replace a NoWax fi lter
Power moulds (only) can use a NoWax fi lter in the sound outlet. Change the fi lter
whenever it is clogged with wax or whenever the system does not sound normal.
Remove a new NoWax tool from
its shell. One point on the tool has
a removal tool and the other point
has the new fi lter.
Insert the removal tool into the
existing wax fi lter and work it out
of the Power mould.
Push the new fi lter into the sound
outlet on the mould and dispose of
the tool and used fi lter.
Remove a WaxStop tool from
its shell. One end of the tool has
a new fi lter and the other has a
removal tool.
Insert the removal tool into the
existing wax fi lter.
Pull the used fi lter out slowly,
keeping the tool straight.
Flip the tool and push the new fi lter
into the sound outlet. Carefully pull
the tool free and dispose of the
used tool and fi lter.
Replace a WaxStop fi lter
Micro moulds use a WaxStop fi lter in the sound outlet. Power moulds use either
a WaxStop fi lter or a NoWax fi lter. Power and Plus domes must be worn with a
WaxStop fi lter in the receiver.