Owner's Manual

custom installations Drawings are included in this manual to facilitate special installations and
custom cabinetry (see the section Dimensions). Contact your Classé dealer for
more information.
serial number e serial number for your power amplier is found on the rear of the unit.
Please note and record this number on the page entitled Important Safety
Instructions for your future reference.
operating voltage e operating voltage of your Delta MONO is indicated on the rear of the unit.
Do NOT connect the amplier to AC mains power of dierent line voltage.
Warning: There are no user-serviceable parts within the unit. Please
refer any problems to an authorized Classé service center.
e amplier can easily be powered by a normal 15 or 20-amp AC mains line.
If other devices are also powered from the same AC line, their additional power
consumption should be taken into account.
warm up/break-in period Your new Classé power amplier will deliver outstanding performance
immediately. However, you should expect to hear it improve somewhat as
it reaches its normal operating temperatures and its various components
“break-in.” It has been our experience that the greatest changes occur within the
rst 72 hours, as the amplier reaches thermal equilibrium and the capacitors
fully form. After this initial break-in period, the performance of your new
amplier should remain quite consistent for years to come.
please read this manual… Please take a few minutes to review this manual, and to familiarize yourself with
your new amplier. We understand that you are anxious to plug everything in
and get started. However, reading this manual and following the advice it gives
will ensure that you get all the benets you deserve from having purchased such
a ne piece of equipment.