Release Notes

Open Source Used In AsyncOS 8.8 for Cisco Web Security Appliances
jpeg_start_compress(). There's no harm in calling jpeg_set_defaults() more
than once, if that happens to be convenient.
Typical code for a 24-bit RGB source image is
cinfo.image_width = Width; /* image width and height, in pixels */
cinfo.image_height = Height;
cinfo.input_components = 3;/* # of color components per pixel */
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; /* colorspace of input image */
/* Make optional parameter settings here */
4. jpeg_start_compress(...);
After you have established the data destination and set all the necessary
source image info and other parameters, call jpeg_start_compress() to begin
a compression cycle. This will initialize internal state, allocate working
storage, and emit the first few bytes of the JPEG datastream header.
Typical code:
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
The "TRUE" parameter ensures that a complete JPEG interchange datastream
will be written. This is appropriate in most cases. If you think you might
want to use an abbreviated datastream, read the section on abbreviated
datastreams, below.
Once you have called jpeg_start_compress(), you may not alter any JPEG
parameters or other fields of the JPEG object until you have completed
the compression cycle.
5. while (scan lines remain to be written)
Now write all the required image data by calling jpeg_write_scanlines()
one or more times. You can pass one or more scanlines in each call, up
to the total image height. In most applications it is convenient to pass
just one or a few scanlines at a time. The expected format for the passed
data is discussed under "Data formats", above.
Image data should be written in top-to-bottom scanline order. The JPEG spec
contains some weasel wording about how top and bottom are application-defined
terms (a curious interpretation of the English language...) but if you want
your files to be compatible with everyone else's, you WILL use top-to-bottom