Release Notes

Open Source Used In AsyncOS 8.8 for Cisco Web Security Appliances
particular the widely used JFIF file format. The library can be used by
surrounding code to process interchange or abbreviated JPEG datastreams that
are embedded in more complex file formats. (For example, this library is
used by the free LIBTIFF library to support JPEG compression in TIFF.)
Outline of typical usage
The rough outline of a JPEG compression operation is:
Allocate and initialize a JPEG compression object
Specify the destination for the compressed data (eg, a file)
Set parameters for compression, including image size & colorspace
while (scan lines remain to be written)
Release the JPEG compression object
A JPEG compression object holds parameters and working state for the JPEG
library. We make creation/destruction of the object separate from starting
or finishing compression of an image; the same object can be re-used for a
series of image compression operations. This makes it easy to re-use the
same parameter settings for a sequence of images. Re-use of a JPEG object
also has important implications for processing abbreviated JPEG datastreams,
as discussed later.
The image data to be compressed is supplied to jpeg_write_scanlines() from
in-memory buffers. If the application is doing file-to-file compression,
reading image data from the source file is the application's responsibility.
The library emits compressed data by calling a "data destination manager",
which typically will write the data into a file; but the application can
provide its own destination manager to do something else.
Similarly, the rough outline of a JPEG decompression operation is:
Allocate and initialize a JPEG decompression object
Specify the source of the compressed data (eg, a file)
Call jpeg_read_header() to obtain image info
Set parameters for decompression
while (scan lines remain to be read)
Release the JPEG decompression object
This is comparable to the compression outline except that reading the