User guide

NOTE: Significant changes in driving style or vehicle
loading will greatly affect the actual drivable distance of
the vehicle, regardless of the DTE display value.
When the DTE value is less than 30 miles (48 km)
estimated driving distance, the DTE display will
change to a text display of LOW FUEL. This display
will continue until the vehicle runs out of fuel.Adding
a significant amount of fuel to the vehicle will turn off
the LOW FUELtext and a new DTE value will display.
Elapsed Time
Shows the total elapsed time of travel since the last reset.
Elapsed time will increment when the ignition switch is
in the ON or START position.
Display Units In:
To make your selection, press and release the RESET
button until “US” or “METRIC” appears.
To Reset The Display
Reset will only occur if a resettable function is currently
displayed. Press and hold the RESET button once to clear
the function currently displayed.
To reset all resettable functions, press and release the
RESET button a second time within three seconds of
resettingthe currently displayed function (ResetALLwill
display during this three-second window).
Compass Display
The compass heading indicates the direction
the vehicle is facing. Press and release the
compass button to display one of eight
compass heading and the outside tempera-
Automatic Compass Calibration
This compass is self-calibrating, which eliminates the
need to calibrate the compass manually. When the ve-
hicle is new, the compass may appear erratic and the