User's Manual

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Rogue Outcast 1 Hybrid User Manual Rev. 4
20 Control
000 009 No function
010 019 Defogging fan, slow to fast
020 029 Defogging fan off
030 039 Dimmer conventional mode
040 049 Dimmer linear mode
050 059 Pan/tilt fast mode
060 069 Pan/tilt normal mode
070 079 Blackout during pan/tilt (3 sec hold)
080 089 Disable pan/tilt blackout (3 sec hold)
090 099 Blackout while color wheel is moving (3 sec hold)
100 109 Disable color wheel blackout (3 sec hold)
110 119
Blackout while gobo wheels are moving (3 sec hold)
120 129 Disable gobo wheel blackout (3 sec hold)
130 139 Lamp on
140 149 Pan/tilt reset
150 159 Color wheel reset
160 169 Gobo wheel reset
170 179 Strobe/prism reset
180 189 No function
190 199 Frost/focus/zoom reset
200 209 All reset
210 219 Blackout all function during pan/tilt
220 229 Disable blackout all function during pan/tilt
230 239 Lamp off
240 249 Pan/tilt smooth mode on
250 255 Pan/tilt smooth mode off
Channel Function Value Percent/Setting