User Manual

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Rogue Outcast 3 Spot User Manual Rev. 1
Pan Angle
To set the maximum angle of the pan:
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select the Pan Angle option.
3. Select from 540 (540°), 360 (360°), or 180 (180°).
Tilt Angle
To set the maximum angle of the tilt:
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select the Tilt Angle option.
3. Select from 270 (270°), 180 (180°), or 90 (90°).
Black Out on Movement
To set the product to black out on movement of the pan/tilt, color wheels, and/or gobo wheels.
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select from BL.O.P/T Move (pan/tilt), BL.O. ColorMove (color wheels), or BL.O. GoboMove
(gobo wheels).
3. Select from NO (do not black out during the selected movement), or YES (black out during the
selected movement).
Display Backlight Timer
To set how long before an inactive display will turn off:
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select the Backlight Timer option.
3. Select the length of the backlight timer, from 30S (30 seconds), 1M (1 minute), 5M (5 minutes), or
ON (always on).
Swap Pan and Tilt
To swap the controls for pan and tilt with each other:
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select the Swap XY option.
3. Select from NO (pan controls pan, tilt controls tilt), or YES (pan controls tilt, tilt controls pan).
DMX Loss
To set how the product responds when the DMX signal is lost:
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select the Loss of Data option.
3. Select from Hold (holds the last signal received), or Close (blacks out the product).
Fan Mode
To set the fan speed mode:
1. Go to the Settings main level.
2. Select the Fan Mode option.
3. Select the fan mode, from Auto (fan speed adjusts to product temperature), Full (fan speed at
maximum), or ECO (quiet mode).
Dimmer Curve
To set the dimmer curve:
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select the Dimmer Curve option.
3. Select the dimmer curve, from Linear, Square, I Squa, SCurve, or Linear2.
Pulse Width Modulation
To adjust the frequency of the pulse width modulation:
1. Go to the Setup main level.
2. Select the PWM Option option.
3. Select the frequency, from 600Hz, 1200Hz, 2000Hz, 4000Hz, 6000Hz, or 15000Hz.