
WARNING: Read and understand all instructions and warnings in
this manual BEFORE using this rifle. It is important to learn the parts of
this rifle and their functions before using this firearm.
Before handling this rifle or any other firearm, ALWAYS make sure the
firearm is unloaded and pointed in a safe direction.
Remove all excess factory lubricant from the parts with a quality gun
solvent. See the DISASSEMBLY section of this manual to breakdown
the component parts to obtain the best results in cleaning and
Thoroughly clean the barrel bore and make sure to remove all the
excess solvent from the bore with clean, dry patches. Repeat running
the patches through the bore until they come out clean and dry.
After cleaning with solvent, apply a quality “spray type” gun lubricant to
the parts except the barrel bore. If the gun is going to be stored for a
long period of time before using, a light coat of lubricant should be left
in the barrel. However, before shooting, the cleaning of the barrel bore
MUST be repeated. The barrel bore must be clean, dry and free
of any obstructions before firing this rifle.
WARNING: Always make sure the gun is
unloaded with the muzzle pointed in a safe
direction before attempting to disassemble any
With the action in the closed position (Fig. 1),
place the hammer in the half-cock position
(Fig. 2, next page).