
WARNING: Read and understand all instructions and warnings in
this manual BEFORE using this rifle. Practice the firing procedure
without live ammunition, with a snap cap or spent shell case in the
chamber until you understand this procedure.
To load the rifle, first point the rifle downrange
in a safe direction. Place the rifle on safe by
placing the hammer in the half-cock position.
Make sure you have read, understood,
and practiced the safety on procedure in
the SAFETY section on this manual. Next,
extend the lever downward, fully opening the
breech (Fig. 8a). Carefully insert on cartridge
of correct caliber completely into the barrel
chamber (Fig. 8b) and close the action. You
are now ready to fire the rifle.
With the rifle pointed downrange toward your
target, fully cock the hammer while making
sure your fingers are out of the trigger area
(Fig 9). Firmly shoulder your rifle, hold the
forend, having the butt plate well against your
shoulder to reduce recoil. While pointing at
your target, slowly pull the rear trigger
rearward until it sets. Take final aim at your
target and slowly squeeze the front trigger
rearward and your rifle will fire. Caution: The
front trigger requires very little pressure
to fire the rifle.
The trigger pressure on your rifle is adjustable
on the set trigger assembly. To adjust, screw
the trigger adjusting screw inward or outward