Installation Guide

basic guidelines
cutting the siding
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Step 1
Safety goggles are always recom-
mended for all cutting and nailing
operations. As on any construction
job, use proper safety equipment and
follow safe construction practices
(Fig. 1).
Step 2
With a circular saw, install the
fine-toothed (plywood) blade back-
ward on the saw for a smoother,
cleaner cut. Cut slowly. Do not
attempt to cut materials other than
vinyl with a reversed direction saw
blade (Fig. 2).
NOTE: Sheathing behind vinyl siding
must be smooth, flat, stable and
appropriate for use on the type of
construction being erected. Increasing
requirements in building codes,
especially in the areas of fire and
wind resistance, make the appropriate
choice and fastening of wall sheathing
an important area of consideration.
Check local building codes for the
allowable type and thickness of
sheathing that can be utilized on the
type of structure being sided.
Step 3
With a utility knife or scoring
tool, score the vinyl face up with
medium pressure and snap it in half.
It is not necessary to cut all the way
through the vinyl (Fig. 3).
Step 4
With tin snips, avoid closing the
blades completely at the end of a
stroke for a neater, cleaner cut
(Fig. 4).
When cutting vinyl siding, follow these guidelines: