Installation Instructions
These instructions describe and illustrate the steps
nvolved in installing CertainTeed siding and trim. Their
purpose is to provide detailed information and how-to
tips that will simplify the installation process. CertainTeed
shall not accept any liability or responsibility under its
written warranty for failure caused by application that
does not meet our minimum requirements for proper
installation. These requirements are outlined throughout
CertainTeed Installation Guide (CTS205). Any
deviations from these requirements should be approved
in writing by CertainTeed Corporation.
insulated siding will help even out wall
surfaces. However, to minimize extremes in the peaks
and valleys of uneven walls, you may have to repair the
underlayment. Make sure the substrate is smooth and
flat. If the surface is significantly uneven, apply 1/4" foam
sheathing before installing CedarBoards siding.
Starter strips
Insulated siding is thicker than hollow vinyl siding. To
accommodate the 1-1/4" thickness, we recommend that
you use the CedarBoards starter strip.
When you can’t use the CedarBoards starter strip,
secure the siding panel with a combination of utility trim
and J-channel. To do this, you will have to r
emove some
of the foam backing and shim accessories to
accommodate the thickness of the CedarBoards panel.
Use 2" corrosion-resistant nails, and penetrate the wood
substrate by at least 3/4".
The nail flange on insulated siding is typically 3/4" thick.
Drive the nails until ther
e is 1/16" between the nail head
and the nail flange.
Center the nail in the nail slot and drive the nail straight
in. Do not drive nails at an angle. Space nails 16" o.c.
The STUDfinder
Installation System combines precisely
engineered nail slot locations with graphics to create a
siding panel that is designed to help ensure quick,
accurate and secure installation.
The nail slots are positioned 16" on center to allow for
alignment with studs, with STUDfinder graphics centered
directly under each nail slot.
Locate the first stud and fasten in the center of the nail
slot. Ensure that nail/staple penetration is at least 3/4".
Notice which STUDfinder letter appears below the slot.
Go to the next r
epeat of the letter to find the next stud.
For example, if your first stud is at “T,” so will the
succeeding studs in 16" o.c. applications (every 10th
slot). When installing CedarBoards XL panels on 16"
centers, the succeeding studs are at every 8
When you apply the next panel, adjust the overlap, as
, to line up with studs and r
epeat the steps
Installation Instructions
Insulated Siding
Insulated Siding Installation Instructions | 1 of 2