120 Self-Flushing Self Washing Cat Litter Box - Manual Cat Acclimation

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www.catgenie.com 1-888-735-39275
Step 4:
Don’t clean the old litter box. Most cats will naturally be turned off by the dirty litter box and drawn
to the fresh, clean CatGenie. Continue to run the CatGenie on Manual mode for a few days, once
or twice per day per cat even if you don’t think they are using it. Cat urine will not show on the
Washable Granules, so they may be using the unit without your knowledge. Additionally, running
the cycles will help your cat adjust to the sounds, sights and smells of the CatGenie.
Step 5:
For the rst few weeks, always run the CatGenie manually, once or twice per day per cat.
Some cats may be startled by the sights and sounds of the cycle running, so you'll want to run it
manually to control their experience with the new unit. Once your cats are comfortably using the
CatGenie, you can transition to using the Automatic Modes to run cycles. Cat Activation is the
best way for you and your cats to enjoy the cleanest, best performing CatGenie possible (when
using Cat Activation, Sanisolution Cartridges perform 2x the number of washes – 240 instead
of 120.) Reference the Operation Manual for details on setting up automatic modes.
Step 6:
Once all cats are consistently using the CatGenie, remove and dispose of the old litter box. If
after four days the old box is dirty, you can also remove it to push the transition to the CatGenie.
Allow your cats to investigate the
CatGenie, giving treats and praise. Don’t
make a fuss over the Unit. Act normal.
Keep old litter box and CatGenie together
until cat switches, then remove and
dispose of old litter box.