Softwareversie 3.10 Gebruiksaanwijzing

Configuring the Sampling Setup
Input Ranges
Method 1
Interval (sec): 0.0005 to 299 sec
(0.02 to 299 sec for the Motion sensor. 0.0025 to 299 sec for the CLAB
built-in 3-axis accelerometer.)
Interval (min): 5 to 240 min
(With some sensors, a setting of five minutes or greater is not supported.)
Samples: 10 to 10001
Method 2
Sample/sec: 1 to 2000
(1 to 50 sec for the CMA Motion sensor. 1 to 400 for the CLAB built-in 3-axis
An error message will be displayed if you input a value for a setting that causes the
automatically calculated number of samples (Samples) setting to become a value that is
outside the allowable input range.
Only Method 1 settings are supported when the Interval setting is 5min or greater.
k Trigger Setup
You can use the Trigger Setup screen to specify the event that causes sampling to start (w
key operation, etc.). The event that causes sampling to start is called the “trigger source”,
which is indicated as “Source” on the Trigger Setup screen.
The following table describes each of the eight available trigger sources.
To start sampling when this happens:
Select this trigger source:
When the w key is pressed
[EXE] key
After the specified number of seconds are counted down Count Down
When input at CH1 reaches a specified value CH1
When input at CH2 reaches a specified value CH2
When input at CH3 reaches a specified value CH3
When input at the SONIC channel reaches a specified value
(EA-200 only)
When the built-in microphone detects sound (EA-200 only) Mic
When the [START/STOP] key is pressed (EA-200 only) [START] key
When [Button] is pressed (CLAB only) [START] key