Owner's manual

A. Oversized regulator; inadequate rangeability. A1. Check actual ow conditions, re-size regulator for minimum and maximum
A2. Increase ow rate.
A3. Decrease regulator pressure drop; decrease inlet pressure by placing a
throttling ori ce in inlet piping union.
A4. Install next step higher range spring.
A5. Before replacing regulator, contact factory.
B. Worn poppet; inadequate guiding. B. Replace trim ( possible body replacement).
C. Weakened/broken poppet spring. C. Replace poppet spring. De ter mine if corrosion is causing the failure.
2. Regulator can't pass suf cient ow.
A. Regulator undersized. A1. Con rm by opening bypass valve together with regulator.
A2. Check actual ow conditions, re-size regulator; if regulator has inadequate
capacity, replace with larger unit.
B. Incorrect range spring (adjusting aluminum knob B. Replace range spring with proper higher range.
CW does not raise pressure to proper level).
C. Too much droop. C1. Review droop expected.
C2. Contact factory.
RemediesPossible Causes
1. Erratic operation; chattering.
Possible Causes
A. Regulator not closing tightly. A. Inspect the seating. Clean and lap metal seat surfaces; replace if lapping
does not remedy. If composition seats are depressed, nicked or embedded
with debris, replace trim.
B. Downstream block. B. Check system; isolate (block) ow at regulator inlet - not outlet. Relocate
regulator if necessary.
C. No pressure relief protection. C. Install safety relief valve, or rupture disc.
D. Restricted diaphragm movement. D. Ensure no moisture in spring chamber at temperatures below freeze point.
Possible Causes Remedies
4. Excessive pressure downstream.
3. Sluggish operation.
RemediesPossible Causes
A. Fluid too viscous. A. Heat uid. Contact factory.