Operation Manual

Instructions for use
Thank you for purchasing the Carmen electr ic underblanket. Please
read these instructions carefully before using the produc t and keep
them in a safe place for future reference.
The product
Fleece cover with foot warmth
Model: EB0500, EB1000, EB1500 and EB2000
Voltage: 230 - 240 V ˜ 50 Hz AC
Part of the appliance
• Blanket
• Switchwithcordandplug(modelEB20002x)
For your safety
The instructions include safety guidelines and other information
important for the proper functioning of the appliance. Please read
the instructions carefully and keep them in a safe place.
If the appliance changes hands, be sure to give the instruc tions
to the new owner. It is in your own interest to follow all safety
• AllCarmenheatedblanketshavebeenmanufacturedtothe
highest European standards. This product has been comprehen-
the knowledge that it will provide warmth, comfort and peace
of mind.
• Beforeusingthisapplianceensurethatthevoltageindicatedon
the product corresponds with the mains voltage in your home.
If you are in any doubt about your supply, ask your electrical
dealer or local electricity company.
• Onlyspecialistsareallowedtodoreparations.Improperly
reparations can cause considerable danger!
• Thereisalwaysriskofinjurywhenusingelectricalappliances
Personal safety
• Thisapplianceisnotintendedfortheusebypersons(including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance
by a person responsible for their safety.
• Childrenshouldbesupervisedtoensurethattheydonotplay
with the appliance.
• Donotusewithahelplessperson,aninfantorapersoninsensi-
tive to heat.
• Youngchildrenshouldbeinstructedonhowtooperatethecon-
trols safely and heat settings controlled by a parent or guardian.
• Donotuseahotwaterbottleatthesametimeasusingthe
Product safety
• Ensuretheblanketisusedinthemannerinwhichitisintended,
as an under blanket.
• Ifusedonanadjustablebed,checktheblanketorcordcannot
become trapped or rucked.
• Ensuretheproductiscorrectlyttedtothebed,followingthe
instructions in this booklet.
• Donotinsertpinsoranysharpobjectsintotheblanket(H).
Do not tuck the heated part of blanket material under the mattress.
• Donotuseiftheblanketiswet.
• Avoidpressingcreasesorfoldsintotheblanket.Donotswitch
on if the blanket is folded, creased or rucked (I).
• Donotuseanylead,switchorcordotherthantheonesupplied
with this blanket.
• Donotcoilorlaytheleadontheblanket.
• Ifyouareunsureaboutelectricalconnectionspleasecontacta
qualied engineer.
• Thesystemwillremaindormantindenitelyaslongasthe
blanket is operating in the normal temperature range. If for any
reason the blanket is operated in an abnormal situation or condi-
tion which would otherwise have induced a rapid temperature
rise high enough to constitute a hazard, the overheat system
temperature reaches the point at which damage may occur.
• Intheeventoftheoverheatsystemoperating,theblanketwill
cease to function.
• Itisnormalfortheleadfromtheblankettotheswitchto
become warm as this is part of the heater protection circuit
• Thefactthatthisblanketincorporatestheoverheatsystemdoes
not absolve the user from observing these instructions.
• Donotdrycleantheblanket,followwashinginstructionsonthe
label attached to the blanket and the details that relate to your
blanket (Cleaning and Maintenance).
• Whenstoringtheblanket,allowittocooldownbeforefolding.
• Donotcreasetheblanketbyplacingitemsontopofitduring
Blankets_Manual A5.indd 16 10-10-2011 10:42:08