Instruction manual

5. Referring to the drawing, and starting at
the firewall, slide the threaded rod into the nylon tube.
Connect the mini-snap link to the engine throttle arm.
6. Again referring to the drawing, move the
pushrod back and forth to simulate servo action. If the
pushrod does not move freely, adjust the wire bend where
necessary. Test the front and rear "limits" of the throttle
arm, to have a feel for what they are.
NOTE: Later, when setting the controls, make sure to set
the throttle servo linkage within the range of the throttle
arm movement.
7. Glue the nylon tube to the firewall and to
the second former.
8. Remove the servo wheel from the throttle
by removing the screw on the center of the arm and then
pulling up gently on the arm.
9. Install the push rod connector on the servo
arm as shown.
10. Guide the throttle pushrod wire though the
pushrod connector and slide the servo arm up to the throt-
tle servo.
11. Replace the servo arm on the throttle
servo and twist the servo arm clockwise until it stops.
Reposition the servo arm, as well, so that it is in the same
position as shown in the photo. Then replace the screw
into the center of the servo arm.
12. Pull the throttle pushrod back through the
untightened pushrod connector until it stops, and then
tighten the setscrew on top of the pushrod connector.
13. When the setscrew is tight, twist the throt-
tle servo arm counter-clockwise until the servo stops. Now
look at the carburetor in the front of your engine. The car-
buretor should be open (high speed) all the way, just as
shown above.
14. Now twist the throttle servo arm clockwise
until the servo stops. At this point, the carburetor should be
closed (slow speed).
NOTE: The throttle servo will be adjusted more accurately
after the radio installation.
Servo Action
Nylon Guide Tube
Throttle Rear Limit
(usually Idle Position)
Front Limit
(usually Full
Nylon Tube protrudes 1/8” Out Firewall
Broken View Through
Servo Wheel To Show