Owner`s manual

(Rewind and Fast
Forward) buttons:
Press and hold the SEEK/CAT
button or the TRACK
(fast forward) button
while a compact disc is playing; the compact disc
will play while rewinding or fast forwarding. When
the button is released, the compact disc will
return to normal play speed.
While playing a CD with compressed audio files,
turn the TUNE/FOLDER knob right or left to play
the next or previous folder.
CD menu
Touch the “Menu” key on the display while a CD
or CD with compressed audio files is playing to
bring up a list of options. Depending on the type
of CD being played, the following options may be
Play Mode
This option allows you to alter the play pattern of
the CD. Touch the key of the mode you wish to
apply. The modes change the play pattern as
1 Track Repeat - the current track is repeated.
1 Disc Random- tracks from the entire disc are
played randomly.
1 Folder Repeat (compressed audio files CD
only) - the current folder is repeated.
1 Folder Random (compressed audio files CD
only) - tracks from the current folder are played
LHA1258 LHA1259
4-82 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems