Screen Displays
Hiding She Displays on the LCD Screen ............................
You can hide the displays on tile LCDscreen to have a clear screen for playback.
Open the menu and select [DISPLAY SETUP/_]. Select [DISPLAYS], set it to
[OFF <PLAYBK>] and close the menu.
• Warning messagesstill appear, and the data code appears if turned on.
• Tape operation displays appear for 2 seconds.
• _ Displayscannot be hidden on the index screen.
Hid,lng ! $b_ _i ng Sb isp!ay Q Sb ! screen................................................................................................................
When you connect a TV for recording, you can select to show the camcorder displays
on the TV screen. For playback, you can hide the camcorder displays on the TV screen.
Open the menu and select [DISPLAY SETUP/_]. Select [TV SCREEN], set it
to [OFF] and close the menu.
The displays disappear from the TV screen.
Open the menu and select [DISPLAY SETUP/_]. Select [TV SCREEN], set it
to [ON] and close the menu.
The displays appear on the TV screen.