Product Guide

Custom Display Adjustments
The operating menu on Canon professional
camcorders can be customized to suit
individual user preferences, maximizing
convenience and efficiency.
Custom Functions
Camcorder operation can be further fine-
tuned through the use of Custom Functions.
With a wide array of customizable options,
camera functions can be optimized to
maximize shooting efficiency and uniformity
of capture.
Custom Presets
Store up to 9 custom presets (sets of
custom image adjustments) for instant
access as needed. Custom presets can be
stored on memory cards (SD/SDHC or MMC)
—along with custom functions, display set-
tings and photos—and shared with other
Canon professional camcorders. This feature
can be used to ensure uniform camera setup
across multiple camcorders. The 3 custom
preset channels (CP7–CP9) are presets
designed by Canon and factory-loaded:
CP7 optimizes images for viewing on
consumer-use TV monitors by minimizing
noise in dark areas and improving contrast;
CP8 settings yield movie-like images when
viewed on TV; CP9 settings are ideal for
images that will be turned into film. Each
of these channels can be reset as desired.
Frame Rates
Shoot using any combination of frame rates
1080 HD or SD (16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio)
formats. Selectable frame rates include
30F or 24F as well as an optional upgrade
to add 50i/25F frame rates (performed by a
Canon Factory Service Center).
Canon professional camcorders incorporate
numerous features that deliver superb con-
trol over operation and image enhancement.
Skin Tone Detail: This feature minimizes
imperfections in skin areas without removing
other details. Fine adjustments in Hue,
Chroma, Area and Y level, plus a level adjust-
ment for softening skin tones, enable the
operator to achieve the most natural results.
Iris: The Iris Limit function can be set from
OFF to f/9.5. With the Canon 20x HD Video
Zoom Lens, the multi-level iris control
becomes available beyond the iris diffraction
f-number (f/9.5) all the way up to closed
(Iris Limit set to OFF). It can also be controlled
using LANC with the optional Canon ZR-2000.
Gain: Gain val-
ues can be fine-
tuned in 0.5 dB
increments from
0 to +18 dB,
enabling the
operator to opti-
mize sensitivity
when shooting
in low light.
-3 dB and +36 dB
settings are available. The gain limit can
also be set during AGC, so that levels can
be judiciously adjusted, for example, when
shooting in the dark. While selecting a WB
or Gain setting, a new function ensures
shockless transitions.
Color Correction: Color Correction enables
the user to control R or B gain (-6 to +6)
in 16 areas as well as selected colors set
at the Hue, Chroma, Area, Y level while
shooting. Selective Noise Reduction lets
the user apply noise reduction to targeted
color areas. The Menu selection bar uses
numbers to simplify EVF Setup, Skin
Detail and Color Correction.
White Balance: The camera’s high-precision,
through-the-lens, 128-segment white
balance features an increased adjustment
range of 2,000–15,000° Kelvin. White
subjects are captured white, even in difficult
lighting situations, such as candle light.
Several automatic modes also deliver accu-
rate color in a variety of shooting situations.
Auto — The camera accurately and
automatically adjusts white balance.
Outdoor White balance is adjusted for
bright sunlight (5,600° Kelvin).
Indoor — White balance is optimized for
incandescent lighting
(3,200° Kelvin).
Color Temperature —
White balance can be
selected in 100° Kelvin
intervals in a range of
2,000–15,000° Kelvin.
Program AE
The camcorder’s 7 pre-programmed Auto
Exposure modes
cover a wide variety of
shooting situations. Ideal settings produce
top-quality results quickly and easily. To
simplify operation, Manual Mode is located
next to OFF on the Power Dial.
Full Auto: The camera takes over for point-
and-shoot simplicity, setting focus, shutter
speed, aperture, gain, white balance and
AE program shift to achieve ideal results.
Auto: This mode offers all the convenience
of Easy Recording, but allows the operator
the option of manually changing the settings.
Shutter Priority: The user selects the shutter
speed and the camera automatically selects
the proper aperture for correct exposure.
Aperture Priority: The user selects the
lens aperture, and the camera automati-
cally sets the proper shutter speed for
correct exposure.
Manual: This mode allows the user to
select aperture and shutter speed in any
combination. The viewfinder indicates the
relation of selected combinations to the
exposure as metered by the camera.
Spotlight: Perfect for an automatic solu-
tion to a typically tricky situation: when the
subject is illuminated by a concentrated light
source (such as a spotlight) and the back-
ground is relatively dark, this mode auto-
matically adjusts exposure to compensate.
Night: As ambient light levels begin to fall,
the camera uses slower shutter speeds to
achieve optimal image quality.
The XL H1S and XL H1A are equipped with
a 2.4-inch widescreen combination EVF/
LCD monitor (approx. 215,000 dots) for a
clear, high-resolution image. The XH G1S
8 9
Function No.
C.Fn-00 Recording Mode Icon
C.Fn-01 Camera Data 1 (F/stop and Shutter Speed)
C.Fn-02 Camera Data 2 (Exposure, White Balance, Gain)
C.Fn-03 Zoom Indicator
C.Fn-04 Focus Distance Display
C.Fn-05 ND Filter Displays
C.Fn-06 Image Effects
C.Fn-07 Focusing Assist Functions (Peaking and Magnification)
C.Fn-08 Customized Functions (Custom Function and Custom Preset)
C.Fn-09 Video Recording Standard Definition
C.Fn-10 DV Recording Mode
C.Fn-11 Frame Rate Display
Tape-Related Icons and Displays
(Operation Mode, Time Code, DV Control)
C.Fn-13 Remaining Time on the Tape (Normal, Warning, Off)
Tape/Card-Related Displays
(Ext. Control, Image Stabilization, Image Size/Quality)
Light Metering-Related Displays
(Spot AE Point and Light Metering)
C.Fn-16 Still Images-Related Icons (Drive Mode, Flash)
Remaining Still Images on the Memory Card
(Normal and Warning)
C.Fn-18 Audio-Related Displays (Mic Mode, XLR and DV Audio)
C.Fn-19 Condensation Warning Icon
C.Fn-20 Battery-Related Displays (Off, Normal, Warning)
C.Fn-21 Wireless Remote Display (Off, Normal, Warning)
Function No.
Function Description
C.Fn-00 Shockless WB/Gain Softens transitions when changing white balance or gain
C.Fn-01 Zoom Ring Control Changes Zoom Ring responsiveness
C.Fn-02 Zoom Speed Changes Zoom key speed
C.Fn-03 Focus Ring Control Sets the sensitivity of the Focus Ring control
C.Fn-04 Buttons OPER.1
Changes the responsiveness of the buttons
(Magnification and White Balance Set)
C.Fn-05 Buttons OPER.2
Changes the responsiveness of the buttons
(Record Review, Bars, Fade, End Search, and Gain Set)
C.Fn-06 Rings Direction The directional response of the Zoom, Focus, and Iris rings can be set
C.Fn-07 OPER. Direction Changes the operation of the cursor and shutter
C.Fn-08 Iris Limit Sets the diffraction limit (On/Off)
C.Fn-09 Photo Button Selects function for Photo + CP Data, Photo, Magnifying and OFF
C.Fn-10 Marker Level
Intensity level of the frame overlays and markers on screen can be set—40%
(gray) or 100% (white)
Focus Assist
B/W Mode
Selects whether to change the display to black-and-white
when Focus Assist is activated
Object Distance
Units Display
Selects whether distance to object is displayed in feet or meters
C.Fn-13 Zoom Indicator Selects whether the zoom indicator is a graphic bar or a numeric display
C.Fn-14 Color Bars Selects EBU SD (Type 1) or ARIB Multiformat HDTV (Type 2) color bars
C.Fn-15 1kHz Tone Selects the level of the reference audio tone—OFF, -12 dB, or -20 dB
C.Fn-16 Wireless Remote
Selects whether or not the camcorder will respond to
wireless controller commands
C.Fn-17 LANC AE Shift Exposure control selection using Canon ZR-2000 Zoom Remote Controller
C.Fn-18 Tally Lamp
Controls the function of the Tally Lamp—ON, Blink, or
OFF by wireless control
C.Fn-19 LED
Selects whether and which set of LED indicators on the camcorder will be
C.Fn-20 Custom REC Sets custom recording mode for character record and magnifying
Custom Functions for XL H1S and XL H1A Custom Functions for XH G1S and XH A1S
Function No.
Function Description
C.Fn-00 Shockless WB/Gain Softens transitions when changing white balance or gain
C.Fn-01 AE Response Adjusts response levels when exposure changes
C.Fn-02 Zoom Ring Control Changes Zoom Ring responsiveness
C.Fn-03 Zoom Speed Changes Zoom key speed
C.Fn-04 Focus Ring Control Sets the sensitivity of the Focus Ring control
C.Fn-05 Buttons OPER.1
Changes the responsiveness of the buttons
(Magnification and White Balance Set)
C.Fn-06 Buttons OPER.2
Changes the responsiveness of the buttons
(Record Review, Bars, Fade, End Search, and Gain Set)
C.Fn-07 Rings Direction The directional response of the Zoom, Focus, and Iris rings can be set
C.Fn-08 OPER. Direction Changes the operation of the cursor and shutter
C.Fn-09 Iris Limit Sets the diffraction limit (On/Off)
C.Fn-10 Photo Button Selects function for Photo + CP Data, Photo, Magnifying and OFF
C.Fn-11 Marker Level
Intensity level of the frame overlays and markers on screen can be set—40%
(gray) or 100% (white)
Focus Assist
B/W Mode
Selects whether to change the display to black-and-white
when Focus Assist is activated
Object Distance
Units Display
Selects whether distance to object is displayed in feet or meters
C.Fn-14 Zoom Indicator Selects whether the zoom indicator is a graphic bar or a numeric display
C.Fn-15 Color Bars Selects EBU SD (Type 1) or ARIB Multiformat HDTV (Type 2) color bars
C.Fn-16 1kHz Tone Selects the level of the reference audio tone—OFF, -12 dB, or -20 dB
C.Fn-17 LANC AE Shift Exposure control selection using Canon ZR-2000 Zoom Remote Controller
C.Fn-18 Tally Lamp
Controls the function of the Tally Lamp—ON, Blink, or
OFF by wireless control
C.Fn-19 LED
Selects whether and which set of LED indicators on the camcorder will be
C.Fn-20 Custom REC Sets custom recording mode for character record and magnifying
and XH A1S provide both an EVF (approx,
269,000 dots) and a separate flip-out 2.8-
inch LCD monitor (approx. 207,000 dots).
Numerous viewing functions are provided
to maximize convenience and boost the
quality of capture. Aspect guides provide
industry-standard picture formats, while
Histogram and EXIF displays offer real-time
brightness information for highly accurate
adjustments. The operator can choose to
display up to 8 characters of the Custom
Preset name and the SDI bit map display
may be turned on or off. All viewfinder
display information can be removed to
leave a clear, unobstructed viewing area.
A Magnifying function (operable with the
Photo button) enlarges the viewfinder
image, making it easier to perform fine
image adjustments. Remaining memory is
displayed when using Focus Enhancements
External Hard Disk Recorders.
Enhanced Operation
Versatility and convenience are hallmarks
of Canon professional camcorders. Still
images can be “grabbed” from footage
either while shooting or during playback.
These images can be saved on the memory
card for subsequent transfer. The camera’s
power LED illuminates green when the
camera is powered up and ready. Playback
mode preserves the letter-box format,
allowing an accurately proportioned view
of captured footage. A default write and
protect function prevents accidental erasures.
Marker colors may be specified at the user’s
discretion. The camcorders also support
9 languages: German, English, Spanish,
French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese
(simplified) and Japanese.
Operational and Image
Enhancement Control
Custom Presets Adjustable Items
Gamma Curve* Color Gain
Knee Point Adjustment Color Phase
Black Stretch/Black Press R Gain
Master Pedestal* G Gain
Setup Level* B Gain
Sharpness R-G Matrix
Horizontal Detail Frequency R-B Matrix
Horizontal/Vertical Detail Balance G-R Matrix
Coring G-B Matrix
Noise Reduction 1* B-R Matrix
Noise Reduction 2* B-G Matrix
Color Matrix*
*Only for video recording