Instruction manual

Creating the Settings File
FTP Settings
[Target folder]
Enter the path (ASCII characters) to the transfer target folder (root folder) specified with
the FTP server.
If a save target folder as specified by the path already exists, the images will be saved
in the folder. If there is no save target folder for the specified path, a folder will be
created automatically.
Even if a save target folder is not created, images will be saved to the transfer target
folder specified by the FTP server.
[Browse] button
When you click the [
] button on the [
FTP settings
] screen, the [
Browse FTP
server folder
] screen appears and the folder inside the transfer target folder (root
folder) specified by the FTP server is displayed.
If the save target folder has already been set, that folder will be selected. When you
click on the [
New folder
] button, the save target folder’s create screen will appear.
When you click on the [
] button, the selected folder will be deleted only if it is empty.
Use the [
Test writing
] button to check if the folder is writable. When you click this
button, a writing test is performed for the selected folder and the result is displayed. The
file used for the writing test is deleted automatically.
When you click the [
Up a level
] button, the folder one level above the current folder
(below the transfer target folder or root folder) in the folder tree will be displayed. There
is no folder that can be displayed above the transfer target folder or root folder.
About the image transfer target folder
The transferred images will be saved in the target transfer folder specified by the FTP server in the
following folder hierarchy: A/DCIM/100EOS1D
If the camera has two memory card slots and the CF card is selected to save the images, the A/
DCIM/100EOS1D folder hierarchy will be created automatically to save the images. If the SD card is
selected to save the images, the B/DCIM/100EOS1D folder hierarchy will be created automatically
to save the images. (CF card images will be in folder A, while SD card images will be in folder B.)