Operation Manual

Setting Page
Settings for the camera name and external input/output devices, and for camera use and installation settings.
Camera Name
Set the camera name.
[Camera Name]
Enter any camera name. Be sure to enter a name in [Camera Name (alphanumeric characters)].
Camera Control
Set various controls to ease viewing of video.
[Digital Zoom]
Select this to enable or disable digital zoom.
If [Enable] is selected, the digital zoom telephoto end icon will appear next to the zoom slider in the Viewer (P. 148).
Unlike optical zoom, the higher the digital zoom ratio, the lower the video quality.
[Image Stabilizer]
Select this to enable or disable blur reduction in video due to camera vibration.
If there is still blur after selecting [On1], select [On2].
The angle of view will be narrower and video noisier when using stabilization compared to when it is not used.
[AGC Limit]
Select the Auto Gain Control (AGC) limit value for increasing gain to brighten video in low light conditions.
The greater the value, the higher the sensitivity will become, but video noise will increase.
Set General Camera Controls
[Camera] > [Camera Settings]
The image stabilizer is not effective when the subject is shaking.
Stabilization is not effective beyond a certain degree of vibration or for momentary vibrations.
If you select [On2], It is recommended to select a video reception size less than [640 x 480].
If you use stabilization, please refer to the information listed in the following “Important” sections.
The “Important” section in “View Restriction Setting Tool” (P. 207).
The “Important” section in “View Video With Admin Viewer” (P. 143).
The “Important” section in “Register Presets” (P. 170).