Operation Manual

Admin Tools
[Camera (memory card)]: for the memory card
File Name: for files saved on a computer
View Logs
The following information appears in the log.
The log message code (P. 256).
The log code is shown together with one of three icons corresponding to the applicable level.
If the log has no log code, no icon is shown.
[Date & Time]
The date and time at which the log was generated.
A message regarding the log.
In the Windows Control Panel, the decimal point in a value is always indicated by “.” regardless of the settings of [Region and
Language]. Also, the date is shown in the “yyyy/mm/dd” or “mm/dd” format, while the time is shown in the “hh:mm:ss” format. (y, m, d, h,
m, and s indicate year, month, day, hour, minute, and second, respectively)
Logs cannot be deleted in the Log Viewer.
Save/Open a Log File
You can save the log file as a text file to a computer. You can also load log files that are saved on a computer to the
Log Viewer.
Save to Computer
The [Save As] dialog box appears.
Load from Computer
The [Open file] dialog box appears.
Copy Log Data
Copy log data to the clipboard.
Information Level
Warning LevelError Level
Click [Save to local file].
Select the location to save and click [Save].
Click [Open local file].
Select a log file to load and click [Open].
Click to select the log you want to copy.