User Manual

Attribute Description
[Header up/down] You can indicate whether the header of the sheets must be [Head-
er-up] or [Header-down].
[Offset stacking] You can indicate whether the prints must be delivered to the out-
put location with or without a small shift.
[Offset after N sets] You can indicate the number of sets that will be shifted together.
[Punches] You can indicate how many punch holes are required.
[Folding] You can indicate the required folding method.
[Fold to] You can indicate the size in which the media must be folded.
[Trim] You can indicate how the media must be trimmed.
[Trim / target width ({0})] You can indicate the width that must be trimmed.
[Trim / target height ({0})] You can indicate the height that must be trimmed.
[Contrast] You can indicate the contrast of the print.
[Brightness adjustment] You can indicate whether the print must be darker or lighter.
[Resolution] You can indicate whether the job must be printed on [1200 x 1200
dpi] or [600 x 2400 dpi].
[Halftoning] You can indicate whether the job must be printed [Line 200 LPI],
[Dot 200 LPI] or [Dot 125 LPI].
[Fattening] You can indicate whether [Fattening] must be on or off.
[Minimum line width] You can indicate whether the minimum line width must be main-
tained, or thinner lines can be printed.
[Enhanced color rendering] You can indicate whether the [Enhanced color rendering] must be
on or off.
[Page numbers] You can indicate whether or not you want to print a page number
on each page of a PDF print job.
[Start with page number] You can indicate with which number the page numbering starts.
[Position] You can indicate the position of the page number on the page.
[Text before page number] You can indicate the text that is printed before the page number.
[Text after page number] You can indicate the text that is printed after the page number.
[Job destination] You can indicate the list to which the job must be sent. For the
varioPRINT DP line, you can select [Waiting jobs], [Scheduled
jobs] or [DocBox jobs] (optional).
[DocBox name] You can indicate the name of the DocBox to which the jobs must
be sent.
[Printing workflow] You can indicate the type of workflow for the jobs. You can select
[Receive, then print while RIP is in progress] or [Streaming].
[PDL type] You can indicate whether PostScript®, PCL, PDF or XPS must be
used as page description language.
Introduction to Automated Workflows
Chapter 5 - Prepare the print system
Canon varioPRINT DP line