User Manual

[Output] Settings - [Media]
Setting Values Description
[Media] Names of the media
in the media cata-
Here you can select the media for the copy job.
The list displays all the media that are available in
the media catalogue. The media catalog is a list of
media that you can define in the Settings Editor
application on the PRISMAsync controller.
[Output] Settings - [Cover]
Setting Values Description
Here you can indicate that the print job requires a
front cover. When the setting is enabled the corre-
sponding setting [Media] becomes enabled.
[Media] When the setting [Front] is enabled, you can select
a media from the media catalog.
[Print sides] Here you can select the sides of the front cover
you want to print on.
[Both sides]
[Front side]
[Back side]
Here you can indicate that the print job requires a
back cover. When the setting is enabled the corre-
sponding setting [Media] becomes enabled.
[Media] When the setting [Back] is enabled, you can select
a media from the media catalog.
[Print sides] Here you can select the sides of the back cover you
want to print on.
[Both sides]
[Front side]
[Back side]
Description of the Copy Job Settings
Chapter 10 - Carry Out Copy Jobs
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