System Brochure
©Art Morris
Image Stabilizer OFF Image Stabilizer ON
Great images start with great optics. An SLR is often defined by the quality,
breadth and scope of its lens system. As such, Canon’s lenses alone are reason
enough to choose the EOS system. Combining some of the world’s most advanced
optical, microelectronic, and precision manufacturing technologies, EF lenses
are perfected in Canon’s laboratories, proven in the field and beloved by
generations of photographers. With over 80 million lenses produced to date,
whatever the project, whatever the budget, Canon
optics perform brilliantly every time.
canceled, resulting in a sharper image.
With Optical Image Stabilization, its like gaining
up to four stops. Canon Optical Image Stabilizer
technology is built into many EF or EF-S lenses and
outperforms in-camera stabilization technologies
found in other cameras by allowing for more
movement of the stabilizing lens group. Especially
with telephoto lenses, as the lens focal length
increases, the effect of shake and the degree of
correction needed to cancel it increase as well.
With the Optical Image Stabilizer in the lens,
Canon can equip each IS lens with a stabilization
unit optimized for the focal lengths and optical
characteristics unique to that lens. Other systems
are limited by how far they can move an image
sensor and, as a result, their stabilization is less
effective as telephoto lengths get longer. Also,
the result of Optical Image Stabilization can be
seen right in the viewfinder—impossible with
some other stabilizer systems.
Optical Image Stabilizer
Canon Optical Image Stabilizer technology
makes handheld photography more
practical at slow shutter speeds, accommodating
more low-light shooting situations than ever
before. Camera shake typically occurs at shutter
speeds less than 1/ [focal length], resulting
in image blur. Canon Optical Image Stabilizer
technology uses miniature sensors and a high-
speed microcomputer built into the lens. The
sensors analyze vibrations and apply correction
via a special stabilizing lens group that shifts the
image parallel to the focal plane. Motion blur is
Interchangeable EF / EF-S / EF-M Lenses – Creative opportunities are at your fingertips.
Image Stabilization:
It Belongs In the Lens
Because every lens is different, different lenses
have different Optical Image Stabilizer needs.
Reduces motion blur by counteracting camera shake during handheld photography
With Optical Image Stabilizer in the lens, Canon can equip each Optical Image Stabilizer lens with
the stabilizer it needs
Found on some telephoto lenses, Optical Image Stabilizer Mode 2 is especially effective when
doing panned shots
With Canon Optical Image Stabilizer, the effects of the stabilization can be seen in the viewfinder—
the image is steadier, making composition more accurate
How the Image Stabilizer Works — The Optical Image
Stabilizer shifts a lens group in parallel to the focal plane.
When the lens jerks due to camera shake, the light rays
from the subject are bent relative to the optical axis,
resulting in a blurred image. Camera shake is detected
by two gyro sensors (one each for the yaw and pitch). The
gyro sensors detect the angle and speed of the camera
shake caused by handheld shooting. By moving select
lens elements according to how the entire lens is being
shaken, the image passing through the lens can be
steady and sharp when it hits the imaging sensor. The
figure on the extreme right shows what happens when
the lens is jerked downward. The center of the image
moves downward on the focal plane. When the Optical
Image Stabilizer lens group shifts downward, the light
rays are refracted so that the image center returns to the
Optical Image Stabilizer Units
center of the focal plane. Since image shake occurs in
both the horizontal and vertical directions, the Opti-
cal Image Stabilizer lens group can shift vertically and
horizontally on a plane perpendicular to the optical axis
to counteract the image shake.
Close-up — For close-up
shots, even the tiniest of
motions is magnified and
spoils a great shot!
Low-light — In low light
situations, when you
would normally expect to
have to use flash or tripod,
Canon’s Optical Image
Stabilizer lenses give you
the freedom of up to 4
stops of light.
Telephoto — Canon
designs each Optical
Image Stabilizer system
to complement the lens’
focal length. So even with
telephoto lenses you’ll
capture the shot!
Optical Image Stabilizer
Parallel Movement Principle
1: No Camera Shake
2: Lens Front Shake Downward
3: Image-stabilizing group counteracting
downward camera shake