S9000 Quick Start Guide

Advanced Print Features
3. Make the desired printer driver setting
changes on the various tabs.
4. Without exiting the Properties window,
click the Profiles tab.
5. Click Add to Profiles, then type a name
for your settings in the Name field. You
can also select an icon for this profile.
6. Type a description of your settings, then
click OK.
To retrieve a saved setting profile in Windows:
1. From an application File menu, click Print.
2. With Canon S9000 as the selected
printer, click Properties.
3. Click the Profiles tab.
4. Highlight the saved setting profile you
want to use.
5. Click Retrieve from Profiles, then click
OK to confirm the profile change. The
profile settings will become active.
6. Click OK again to close the window.
To save driver settings in Mac OS:
From an application File menu, click Print.
2. Make the desired printer driver setting changes.
3. Click Apply. The Register Settings dialog box will
4. Click Apply again, then type a name for the
5. Click OK. The Register Settings window will reappear.
To save the new settings as your default settings for the Manual
icon, click the name in the Settings list, then click Defaults.
6. When done, click Close.
S9000_QSG.book Page 19 Friday, November 2, 2001 12:54 PM