Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions
Precautions for Use
As this section contains important safety-related information, be sure to read the
following carefully beforehand in order to use your projector correctly and safely.
If the following situations occur, turn the power off, remove the power plug from the
power outlet and contact the Canon Customer Support Center. Failure to do so could
cause a fire or result in an electric shock.
If smoke is emitted
If an unusual smell or noise is emitted
If a loud noise is heard and the lamp turns off
If water or other liquid has entered the projector
If metal or any other foreign material has entered the projector
If the projector is knocked over or dropped and the cabinet is damaged
Pay attention to the following points for handling the power cord. Failure to do so may
cause a fire, electric shock or personal injury.
Do not place any objects on the power cord and do not allow it to become
trapped under the projector. The power cord may be damaged.
Do not cover the power cord with a carpet.
Do not excessively bend, twist, pull or make modifications to the power cord.
Keep the power cord away from heaters and other sources of heat.
Do not use the power cord when it is bent finely, coiled or bundled.
Do not use a damaged power cord. If your power cord is damaged, contact
the Canon Customer Support Center.
Do not use any power cord other than the type that is included with this
Be sure to connect the ground wire of the power cord to ground. Failure to
do so could result in an electric shock.
Be sure to connect the ground wire before connecting the power plug to the
outlet. Also when you disconnect the ground wire, be sure to unplug the
power plug from the outlet beforehand.