NMPJ Ver. 1.2 User's Manual

Router Connections
Although the software can also link computers and projectors over a network via a
router, operation is only ensured over one router hop.
Wireless Direct Connection
When a computer has established a wireless direct connection to a projector, the
wireless LAN interface cannot be used to connect wirelessly to another device.
In an environment where signal conditions are poor, connecting to a projector
may take time or not be possible.
Security Dialog Box Projection
The software cannot be used to project the Windows Security dialog box, normally
accessed by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Screen Capture Software
It may not be possible to start the software while software that restricts screen
captures is running.
Animated Cursors
Animation of animated cursors is not projected.
Alternative Cursors
Cursors used by some software may not be projected correctly. In this case, an
arrow pointer is projected.
Projection Restrictions
Some windows and icons displayed on computers cannot be projected. Although
switching the projection type to advanced will enable projection of more elements,
not all elements can be projected even in this case.
Projected images may not always match the computer screens.
Network Bandwidth
Some network conditions may cause a delay in projection. The source may also be
disconnected, if the connection is unstable.
Projection through Firewalls
Some software functions may not be available in environments where Windows
Firewall or other software restricting network communication are installed.