Technical information

reference guide
use a photo memory card
Note: You can cancel the transfer process only from your computer. The
HP PSC’s Cancel button does not stop transfers. Click the appropriate
button in the dialog box.
For Windows: by default, files are saved in month and year folders
depending on when the photos were taken. The folders are created under
the C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Pictures
folder in Windows XP and Windows 2000.
For Macintosh: by default, files are saved to the computer in Hard
Drive:Documents:HP All-in-One Data:Photos folder (OS 9) or Hard
Drive:Users:User Name:Pictures:HP Photos folder (OS X).
On a Macintosh you can use iPhoto as a transfer destination instead of the
HP Photo and Imaging Gallery. See the onscreen hp photo and imaging
help that came with your software.
Note: You can only use one memory card in your HP PSC at a time.
Tip: Is your hard disk full? If your computer is equipped with an
internal or external CD writer, you can organize large collections
of digital photos on CDs by using the Memories Disc feature of the
HP Photo & Imaging Gallery.
For information on using Memories Disc on a Macintosh, see the onscreen
hp photo and imaging help that came with your software.
print photos by using a proof sheet
A proof sheet is a simple and convenient way to make prints directly from a
memory card without the need for a computer. A proof sheet, which might be
several pages long, shows thumbnail views of photos stored on the memory
card. An index number appears under each thumbnail along with a circle.
This section contains the following topics:
print a proof sheet on page 20
complete the proof sheet on page 20
print photos by scanning a proof sheet on page 21
create borderless prints on page 22
Tip: You can optimize the quality of the photos you print with
your HP PSC by purchasing a photo print cartridge. Remove the
black print cartridge and insert the photo print cartridge in its
place. Insert the black print cartridge in a print cartridge protector
so the print cartridge’s nozzles do not become clogged. With the
tri-color print cartridge and photo print cartridge installed, you
have a six-ink system, which provides enhanced quality photos.
For more information, see order print cartridges on the inside back cover
and work with print cartridges on page 32.
Note: The HP PSC does not operate properly with only one ink cartridge
inserted. The Check Print Cartridge light blinks to alert you to this situation.
After printing a proof sheet, you fill in the circles under the photos you want to
print, and place the proof sheet on the glass. The HP PSC scans the proof sheet
and prints the photos you selected, without a computer.