User Manual

Define the path to the job ticket for exported jobs
A default job ticket is used for the jobs in the [Operator Console]. When jobs are exported, they
are exported with the current default job ticket.
This default job ticket can be changed in the [Job Ticket Editor]. When the default job ticket is
changed, the jobs in the [Operator Console] are automatically updated. However, the job ticket of
the exported jobs must also be updated.
All exported jobs use a centrally-shared copy of the default job ticket which is used in the
[Operator Console]. When the default job ticket is changed, the centrally shared copy of the job
ticket for the exported jobs is also automatically updated.
You can define the folder where the centrally shared copy of the job ticket is stored for all
exported jobs.
Click the [Edit] button.
The [Edit export service settings] dialog opens.
Define the [Default job ticket path:].
Click the [Browse] button to select or create the folder for the job ticket for exported jobs.
The centrally shared copy of the default job ticket is stored in this folder for all exported jobs.
Define the path to the job ticket for exported jobs
Chapter 2 - Central server
PRISMAdirect v1.2