User Manual

[Email settings]
Configure Email settings
You can configure the:
Email settings of the print room
SMTP server used by the Operator Console
Item Description
[Email address:] You can specify the e-mail address that will be used in the 'From' field
of the e-mail message. When the e-mail message cannot be delivered
to the user, the error message will be sent to this address.
[Name:] You can specify the name that will be used in the 'From' field of the e-
mail message. For example: 'Print room'
[Cc address(es):] You can specify the e-mail address(es) that will be used in the 'Cc' field
of the e-mail message.
[SMTP server:] You can specify the address of the email server here. Ask your IT de-
partment for details.
[Port:] You specify the port number of the email server here. Ask your IT de-
partment for details. Only SMTP mail servers are supported. The range
for the port number is: 0 to 64000.
[Operator must have
rights to send emails
on behalf of:]
Defines if the Printroom Operator can always send an email on behalf
of or that he needs rights.
The IT department determines the rights of the Printroom Operator out-
side of PRISMAdirect.
[Send emails from
Central server:]
Choose whether the e-mails are sent directly from the Operator Con-
sole(s) or from the Central Server.
This can be important because of virus scanners, strict policy and fire-
wall rules in place on the different PCs.
[IP-number of Web
Submission server:]
The IP address of a web server which is connected to the Central serv-
The operator can send an email to the customer with a link to a job.
The link consists of the IP address of a web server, the name of the vir-
tual folder and the unique id of the job.
Jobs submitted from the web submission:
The job ticket contains the IP address of the web server where these
jobs were created. For these jobs, the IP address from the job ticket
is used to build the link.
Jobs created in the Operator Console:
The job ticket does not contain an IP address of a web server. For
these jobs, the IP address of option [IP-number of Web Submission
server:] is used.
[Web Submission vir-
tual folder:]
Define a folder on the web server which you defined in option [IP-num-
ber of Web Submission server:].
The operator can send an email to the customer with a link to a job.
The link consists of the IP address of a web server, the name of the vir-
tual folder and the unique id of the job.
[Email settings]
Chapter 1 - Global settings
PRISMAdirect v1.2