User Manual

Setting Description
[LDAP attribute for group
You can define the LDAP attribute that contains the group name.
The default LDAP attribute is used for the group name if
this field is left empty. The default LDAP attribute de-
pends on the server type.
Advanced settings
Authentication types
You can select an authentication type for the [Authentication used to connect to LDAP server:]
option and the [Authentication used to connect user to the LDAP server:] option. The
authentication types are described in the tables below.
In LDAP "authentication" is called "bind".
Authentication type Description
None None means a simple bind to the server using plain text
credentials. A simple bind is the only binding mecha-
nism defined in the LDAP specification itself. None has a
high compatibility across LDAP server vendors.
WARNING: this authentication is NOT SECURE because
plain text credentials are used.
Possible usage: All server types, but this authentication
type is not recommended.
NoneAndServerBind This is the None authentication type combined with the
ServerBind optimisation.
WARNING: this authentication is NOT SECURE because
plain text credentials are used.
Possible usage: ActiveDirectory, but this authentication
type is not recommended.
NoneAndFastServerBind This is the None authentication type combined with
ServerBind and FastBind optimizations.
WARNING: this authentication is NOT SECURE because
plain text credentials are used.
Possible usage: ActiveDirectory, but this authentication
type is not recommended.
Anonymous Anonymous means that no authentication is done. Most
LDAP servers do not allow anonymous access by de-
fault, or give a very restrictive access to the server.
Possible usage: All server types, but this authentication
type is not recommended.
AnonymousAndServerBind This is the Anonymous authentication type combined
with the ServerBind optimisation.
Possible usage: ActiveDirectory, but this authentication
type is not recommended.
Advanced settings
Chapter 1 - Global settings
PRISMAdirect v1.2