User Manual

Setting Description
[Login page] You can select the following options:
Select the language of the Web Submission logon page here.
[Web Submission login instructions:]
You can type in the user instructions that will be displayed on
the Web Submission logon page. [These login instructions are
visible in Web Submission when the user logs on via custom
[Number of jobs per page:] You can define how many jobs are displayed on one page in the
[Web Submission].
[Desk submission users:] You can add or remove Desk Submission users, see procedure
[Edit desk submission users].
A Desk Submission user can create jobs on behalf of other users
in the [Web Submission].
[Archive folder for Web
Define the path of the import folder for the Web Submission.
Syntax: \\FQDN\folder_name
For example: \\PC1-PA\JobsToWebserver
[Preview resolution (in
You can define the resolution of the preview of the job in the [Web
The higher the resolution, the higher the quality of the preview.
A high DPI value can decrease the performance of the
[Pause web server] You can pause the web server.
When you pause the web server, the licence for the paused web
server becomes available for another web server.
[Overview of warnings] When you enable this option, the user can open the overview of
warnings in the Web Submission.
The order is checked for warnings before the order is submitted.
The [Overview of warnings] dialog displays any detected warn-
ings. It is recommended that the user solves any warning(s) be-
fore the user submits the order. Therefore, it is recommended that
you enable the [Enable overview of warnings] option.
Define the General settings
Chapter 3 - Web server
PRISMAdirect v1.2