User Manual

Configure the other settings
[Print both the job ticket and the job.]
The job ticket is inserted as a banner page before the job.
[Allow operator to attach files when sending email.]
When you enable this option, you can attach files to the email messages to the customer.
[Enable automatic document preparation]
When you enable this option, the automation templates of PRISMAprepare become available in
the products in [Product & order editor]. You can activate the automation templates in each
product in view [Print room]. The active automation templates will be applied to the jobs as soon
as the jobs arrive on the server. The jobs receive the layout as defined by the templates.
When this option is disabled, the products do not contain any automation templates in [Product &
order editor].
When PRISMAprepare is not installed on the server, then no automation templates will be
available in the products in [Product & order editor].
Click [Save].
Configure the other settings
Chapter 8 - Order processing settings
PRISMAdirect v1.2