User Manual

Configure the default price estimation settings
In this dialogue, you can define the default price estimation settings for the web shop. The [User
group settings] can overwrite the default price settings of the web shop.
You can define a number of price related settings per product in the [Product & order editor].
The price related settings in the product overrule the default settings in this dialog.
Setting Description
[Price estimation] [Yes]
The [Price estimation] option is available in Web Submission. A
user is always presented with an estimation of the job cost.
The [Price estimation] option is not available in Web Submis-
sion. A user is never presented with an estimation of the job
A user is always presented with an estimation of the job cost.
The user cannot submit the job until the cost estimation to be
[Select formulas] Drag and drop the available formulas to the active formulas. Do
this for both the jobs and the orders.
You can select price estimation formulas per product in
the [Product & order editor]. The formulas in the product
overrule the formulas assigned to the web shop in this
Configure the default price estimation settings
Chapter 4 - Web shop settings
PRISMAdirect v1.2