User Manual

Configure the submission settings
Setting Description
[Allowed file types] [*]
All document types are accepted.
You can type the supported types of digital documents (for ex-
ample PDF, DOC, PS, ...). Use a comma to separate the custom
document types.
[Overview of warnings] When you enable this option, the user can open the overview of
warnings in the Web Submission.
The order is checked for warnings before the order is submitted.
The [Overview of warnings] dialog displays any detected warn-
ings. It is recommended that the user solves any warning(s) be-
fore the user submits the order. Therefore, it is recommended that
you enable the [Enable overview of warnings] option.
[Copyright administration] Enable this option to make the customer responsible that submit-
ted files are not copyright protected.
The customer can only submit a job with option [Copyright admin-
istration message:] enabled. When the customer enables this op-
tion, the customer indicates that the submitted files are not copy-
right protected.
[Copyright administration
A default message is displayed to the customer or operator when:
1. The [Copyright administration message:] option is enabled in
this dialogue.
2. The customer or operator tries to submit an order, but he or
she has not enabled the [Copyright administration message:]
option in the order ticket.
Configure the submission settings
Chapter 4 - Web shop settings
PRISMAdirect v1.2