ImageBrowser 5.1 Software User Guide

114 ImageBrowser Software User Guide
Index (2/2)
Moving Images 66
Multiple Page Print 95
My Camera Settings 26
My Camera Window 27
My Color 105
MYy Camera Sound
File Length 31
New Folder 71
Opening Images 50
Owner's Name 37
PhotoStitch 107
PICT 108
Play 86
Playing Movies 54, 98
Preferences 109
Preview (Display Mode) 46
Print Resolution 95
Print Window 14, 87
Print/Share Button 10
Printing Images 14, 87
QuickTime/AVI 108
RAW 53, 102, 108
Recording Sounds 85
Reduce (Display Magnification) 51
Refresh 66
Registering as a Favorite Folder 45
Remote Shooting 39
Renaming Images 62
Rotating Images 69
Saving Images 75
Screen Saver 79, 81
Searching Images 64
Selecting a Single Image 55
Selecting All Images 55
Selecting Folders 44
Selecting Images 55
Selecting Multiple Images 55
Send to Trash 68
Shooting Information 70
Show AF Frame 53
Showing the Explorer Panel 48
Slide Show 34, 82
Sorting Images 60
Sorting Thumbnails 49
Sounds 85
Standard Printing 36
Star Rating 48, 56, 70
Stitch Assist Mode 107
Synchronizing Multiple Images 52
Text Alignment 91
Text Color 91
Theme 27
Thumbnails 46
TIFF 108
Tiled Photo Printing 88
Timer Shooting 41
TimeTunnel 96
TimeTunnel (Display Mode) 47
Tool Panel 97
Tracking 91
Trimming 72, 73
Typing Text 92
View Image 50
Viewer Window 50, 51, 72
Wallpaper 79, 81
Windows Bitmap 108