ImageBrowser 5.1 Software User Guide

110 ImageBrowser Software User Guide
Customizing Preferences (2/3)
Thumbnail Cache Dialog
When you select a folder from a peripheral, such as a CD-ROM
or CD-R, in the Explorer Panel Section, ImageBrowser creates a
file in a predetermined folder for the thumbnail displayed in the
Browser Area.
However, when viewing a CD-ROM or a CD-R containing a
large number of files, the number of thumbnails also increases,
resulting in less free hard disk space on your computer. In this
case, you can use this dialog to delete unnecessary thumbnails
(thumbnails for files on a CD-ROM or a CD-R that you have
already looked at and probably will not look at again).
Click a disk.
Confirmation Dialog
This sets whether confirmation dialog boxes show or remain
hidden when the following actions are taken.
Folders are moved to the trash
The [Search Results] folder is displayed
Image Star Ratings are changed
RAW images are converted
Processing When Rotating Dialog
You can set the processing method used to rotate JPEG images
in the Browser Window.
Place a check mark here to retain the original image when a JPEG image
is rotated in the Browser Window.
To delete the thumbnails, click the appropriate disk name in this
dialog. The thumbnails for that particular disk are deleted. (The
thumbnails are not actually deleted until the next time you start