ZoomBrowser EX 5.0 Software User Guide

64 ZoomBrowser EX Software User Guide
Chapter 4
Viewing Images
Using the Viewer Window (1/3)
This section explains how to use the Viewer Window.
Opening the Previous or Next Image
You can display the image ahead or behind the displayed image
by clicking the Back or Next button in the Viewer Window.
If you select multiple images and display them in the Viewer
Window, you can click the Back or Next button to move the
selection between images. If you select one image and display it
in the Viewer Window, you can switch to other images within
the same folder by clicking these buttons.
Changing the Display Magnification
You can change the display magnification by moving the slider
above the image either left or right. To match the display size to
the Viewer Window size, click
(Window Size).
When the display magnification level is
high, a Navigator window such as the one
at the right appears. The area enclosed by
the red marks indicates the area of the
image shown in the Browser Area. You
can move the display position in the
Viewer Window by moving the red marks
in the Navigator.
Using the Full Screen Display
You can display an image at the full screen size by clicking the
[Show Image Full Screen] button in the Viewer Window. To
restore the standard display, click the image or press any key on
the keyboard.
You can also switch to the full screen display by double-clicking
the image display area in the Viewer Window.
In addition, you can display images using the full screen display
by clicking the [View] menu and selecting [Full screen].