ZoomBrowser EX 5.0 Software User Guide

129 ZoomBrowser EX Software User Guide
Index (3/3)
RAW Format 118
Converting 111
RAW Images 66, 111
Recording Sounds 102
Red Eye Correction 88, 89
Redo 89, 90
Registering a Folder as a Favorite Folder 51
Remote Shooting 46
Interval Timer Shooting 48
RemoteCapture Task Window 47
Timer Shooting 48
Renaming Images 73
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) Highlights and Shadows
Right-Click 6
Images 83
Saturation 90
Save As 92
Saving Images
CD-R/RW 117
Save As 92
Screen Saver 96, 98
Scroll Mode 53
a Single Image 67
All Images 67
Folders 50
Images 67
Multiple Images 67
Shooting Information 84
Slide Show
Camera 41
Computer 99
Sorting Thumbnails 59
Sounds 101
File Length 38
Saving Sounds 103
Split Screen 65
Standard Print
DPOF 42, 43
Star Rating 58, 68, 84, 85
Starting ZoomBrowser EX 11
Stitch Assist Mode 116
Synchronizing Multiple Images 65
Task Area 7
Hiding the Task Area 61
Task Buttons 7
Acquire & Camera Settings 7
Edit 7
Export 7
Internet 7
Print 7
View & Classify 7
Theme 36
Thumbnails 52
Changing the Display Size 59
Information 58
Sorting 59
TIFF Format 118
Undo 89, 90
Undo All 89, 90
Video clip files 118
Viewer Window 63, 64, 88
Display Magnification 64
Displaying Multiple Images 65
Full Screen Display 64
Synchronizing Multiple Images 65
Viewing Images 63
Wallpaper 96, 98
Camera Browser Window 30, 32, 33
Camera Control Window 5, 13, 25
Main Window 5, 18
My Camera Window 35
Navigator Window 60, 64
Pop-Up Window 62
Properties Window 84
RemoteCapture Task Window 47
Viewer Window 63, 64, 88
Windows Bitmap Format 118
Zoom In/Out 57
Zoom Mode 52
ZoomBrowser EX
Close/Exit 18
Starting 11