ZoomBrowser EX 4.6 Software User Guide

17 ZoomBrowser EX Software User Guide
Chapter 1
Try It! ZoomBrowser EX
Printing Images (6/6)
Change the size and rotation angle of the image, text
or clip art as desired.
The following operations can be performed in the album
Move Items
You can move images, text or clip art by dragging them.
Change Size or Rotation Angle
You can change the size or rotation angle of images, text or clip
art by dragging the following points on them.
Click [4 Print], confirm the number of copies and
other print settings and click [Print].
Sets it to the state at the right
(rotation mode).
You can change the
size by dragging
one of these points.
Sets it to the state at the left
(sizing mode)
You can change the rotation
angle by dragging this point.
This starts the printing process.
To close PhotoRecord, click the
(close box), or click the [File]
menu and select [Exit].
Images captured by cameras that support the Exif 2.2 standard
(nicknamed the “Exif Print” function) have the shooting settings
data, such as the shooting conditions and shooting mode,
embedded in them. You can obtain better prints by using this
data to correct and print the images.
PhotoRecord automatically performs image correction (default
setting) on images shot by cameras that support the Exif 2.2
standard and on other image types, providing you with better
print results.