Operation Manual

Subject in recorded image is too bright.
Subject is too close,
making the flash too
zShoot within correct shooting
distance of the subject when using
the internal flash.
Subject is bright in
contrast to the
zSet the exposure compensation to a
negative (-) setting (p. 44).
zUse the spot metering function
(p. 43)
Light is shining directly
on the subject or
reflected off the subject
into the camera.
zChange the shooting angle.
Flash is set to on. zSet the flash to off (Flash off)
(Basic Guide p. 8).
Image flashes white. Image contains noise.
ISO speed is too high. z
Higher ISO speeds increase image
noise. To take clean images, use as
low an ISO speed as possible (p. 54).
zIn Night Snapshot,
Kids&Pets, and Indoor
modes, the ISO speed increases
and noise can occur.
White dots appear on the image.
Light from the flash has
reflected off dust
particles or insects in the
air. This is particularly
noticeable when
shooting using the wide
zThis is a phenomenon that occurs
with digital cameras and does not
constitute a malfunction.