User Guide-For Small Screens (such as Smart Phone, etc) - PowerShot A2600, PowerShot A1400

Chapter Contents
• When the camera has found no corresponding images for
some conditions, those conditions will not be available.
• Options for viewing the images found (in step 3) include “Navigating
Through Images in an Index” (=
126), “Magnifying Images”
129), and “Viewing Slideshows” (=
130). You can protect,
erase, or print all images found or add them to a photobook by
choosing [Select All Images in Search] in “Protecting Images”
132), “Erasing All Images” (=
136), “Adding Images to the
Print List (DPOF)” (=
178), or “Adding Images to a Photobook”
• If you edit images and save them as new images (=
a message is displayed, and the images that were found are no
longer shown.