Guide for My Image Garden (Mac)

Items Displayed by Category
Category Items Displayed
Growth record
Unisex collages, cards, calendars, etc. of growth
Entrance ceremony, Graduation,
Recital, Sports day, Birthday,
Unisex collages, cards, calendars, etc. specific
for each event
Photo studio-like collages, marriage cards,
calendars, etc. of weddings
Birthday, Others
Collages, cards, calendars, etc. specific for each
Leisure Travel, Others
Collages, cards, calendars, etc. of memories with
your family/grandparents/friends
Hobby - Favorite item collages, cards, calendars, etc.
Registering Favorite Levels
Images that will be automatically laid out in items are placed in the following order of priority.
1. In descending order of stars of images for which favorite levels are set
2. In descending order of print count
3. In descending order of access count
4. In descending order of shooting date
To make your favorite photos more likely to be placed, it is recommended that you register favorite levels
to the images. You can register favorite levels on a photo-by-photo basis, or to multiple photos at once.
Registering Favorite Levels