Operation Manual

Print All Documents
Prints all documents in the document list and closes the Canon IJ XPS Preview.
Save Print History
Switches whether the documents printed from the Canon IJ XPS Preview are to be
saved as print history entries.
History Entry Limit
Switches the maximum number of print history registrations.
Select 10 Entries, 30 Entries, or 100 Entries.
If the limit on the number of registration is exceeded, the print history registrations
are deleted starting from the oldest one.
Add documents from history to the list
Adds the document saved in the print history to the document list.
Ends the Canon IJ XPS Preview. The documents remaining in the document list will be
deleted from the list.
This command has the same function as the Exit in the print settings area.
Edit Menu
Selects the method for editing multiple documents or pages.
Reverses the previous change.
If the change cannot be reversed, this function is grayed out and cannot be selected.
This command has the same function as the (Undo) on the toolbar.
Selects the method for editing print documents.
Combine Documents
Combines the document selected in the document list into one document.
If only one document is selected, this command is grayed out and cannot be
This command has the same function as the (Combine Documents) on the
Reset Documents
Returns the document selected in the document list to their status before they were
added to the Canon IJ XPS Preview.