Guide for My Image Garden (Windows)

Advanced Settings Dialog Box (Calendar)
You can specify basic settings, font, font color, display format, etc. for the calendar.
In the Create or Open Items edit screen, display a calendar and click Advanced... at the bottom of the
screen to display the Advanced Settings dialog box.
(1) General Style
(2) Style for Year
(3) Style for Month
(4) Style for Days
(1) General Style
You can set the start year and month, display format of the week, holidays, etc. for the calendar.
Start Year/Month and Period
Start Year and Month
You can select the start year and month for the calendar.
You can select the number of months for the calendar.
Display Style
Week Starts on
You can set the start day of the week. You can select Sunday or Monday.
Set Holidays
Click Settings... to display the Advanced Settings dialog box (Calendar holiday settings) in which
you can set holidays for the calendar.