Guide for My Image Garden (Mac)

(2) Style for Year
You can set the font, font color, and display format to be applied to the year.
You can select the font type to be applied to the year.
Font Color
You can select the font color of the year.
(Color Setting)
The Colors dialog appears. Select the color you want to set.
Select the display format of the year.
(3) Style for Month
You can set the font, font color, and display format to be applied to the month name.
You can select the font type to be applied to the month name.
Font Color
You can select the font color of the month name.
(Color Setting)
The Colors dialog appears. Select the color you want to set.
You can select the display format of the month.
(4) Style for Days
You can set the font and font color to be applied to the days of the week and dates.