Guide for My Image Garden (Windows)

Due to limitations of photo sharing sites, if the search results exceed 4,000 images, the same images
as those displayed in the page containing the 4,001st image will be displayed in all the subsequent
Place the cursor over an image to display its title, license type, and other information.
(3) Search Criteria/Page Designation Area
Sort by
Select an option for sorting the search results in the Thumbnail window, from Popularity and Date.
If you have changed the setting after searching, click (Refresh) to perform the search again.
License Type
Select the license type of images to search for.
You can select from All types, CC license (Non-Commercial), and CC license (Others).
Select All types to display all images regardless of license type.
Select CC license (Non-Commercial) to display images that can be used for non-commercial
purposes only among CC licensed images, and select CC license (Others) to display other images.
If you have changed the setting after searching, click (Refresh) to perform the search again.
License type varies by image. Place the cursor over an image to display a tooltip in which you
can check the license type.
License Type License Type General Notes (My Image Garden)/
(Comply with the following conditions when
using CC licensed images except for
personal use or use within the home.)
All types All Rights Reserved Unauthorized copying of images is illegal
except for personal/home use or for use
within such limited scope. Copying portraits
(photographs of persons) may infringe
personality rights.
Attribution Non-Commercial
(CC license)
You must show the title and licensor of the
original work along with your creation.
You may not use the work for commercial
Attribution Non-Commercial No
Derivatives (CC license)
You must show the title and licensor of the
original work along with your creation.
You may not use the work for commercial
You may not modify the work.
Attribution Non-Commercial
Share Alike (CC license)
You must show the title and licensor of the
original work along with your creation.